Content Library

Streamline, automate, and grow. Elevate your gym’s growth with our library of supplemental material and workflows available to add on to your existing Automations! Check back frequently, as our library will continue to grow and add new content!

Content Library

Streamline, automate, and grow. Elevate your gym’s growth with our library of supplemental material and workflows available to add on to your existing Automations! Check back frequently, as our library will continue to grow and add new content!

Requesting A Workflow Is Easy


Request one or more workflows through the Workflow Library


Our team adds it to your Grow account and provides you with documentation on how to use it effectively


Review the workflow, make any changes you want, and go live whenever you are ready!

Workflow Library

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Get feedback from your members' check in history to improve your operations

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New Member Journey

Elevate your new member experience with our 100 day workflow, empowering community building and trust at your facility

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Member Birthday

Engage your clients with custom birthday messages

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CrossFit Affiliate New Member Workflow

Streamline, automate, and grow. Elevate your gym’s growth with our library of supplemental material and workflows available to add on to your existing Automations! Check back frequently, as our library will continue to grow and add new content!

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Member Anniversary

Engage your clients with messages

on their anniversary with your gym

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text goes here

Enhanced Member Pause Workflow

These workflows are designed to help you keep track of your clients and notify you when Pause events occur in their plans. In turn, they will help you stay more organized.

Enhanced Cancel &

Ex-member Nurture Workflow

These workflows are designed to ensure that you and your team cancel a plan as requested, so you don't accidentally charge the client again. Additionally, they are supportive of clients when they do cancel to try and win them back!

Fresh start 12 week lead nurture workflow

The workflow is ideally designed to be used during specific times of the year, such as back-to-school or the end of summertime, pre- or post-holidays (think New Year's), and times when you are trying to get old leads to take the next step during a particular time of year when they are most likely thinking about their fitness and health anyways

Requesting A Workflow Is Easy


Request one or more workflows through the Workflow Library


Our team adds it to your Grow account and provides you with documentation on how to use it effectively


Review the workflow, make any changes you want, and go live whenever you are ready!

Workflow Library

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Get feedback from your members' check in history to improve your operations

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New Member Journey

Elevate your new member experience with our 100 day workflow, empowering community building and trust at your facility

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Member Birthday

Engage your clients with custom birthday messages

survey icon

CrossFit Affiliate New Member Workflow

Streamline, automate, and grow. Elevate your gym’s growth with our library of supplemental material and workflows available to add on to your existing Automations! Check back frequently, as our library will continue to grow and add new content!

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Member Anniversary

Engage your clients with messages

on their anniversary with your gym

funnel icon


text goes here

Enhanced Member Pause Workflow

These workflows are designed to help you keep track of your clients and notify you when Pause events occur in their plans. In turn, they will help you stay more organized.

Enhanced Cancel &

Ex-member Nurture Workflow

These workflows are designed to ensure that you and your team cancel a plan as requested, so you don't accidentally charge the client again. Additionally, they are supportive of clients when they do cancel to try and win them back!

Fresh start 12 week lead nurture workflow

The workflow is ideally designed to be used during specific times of the year, such as back-to-school or the end of summertime, pre- or post-holidays (think New Year's), and times when you are trying to get old leads to take the next step during a particular time of year when they are most likely thinking about their fitness and health anyways